I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you’re grateful, you’ll see God open up new doors.

Three men sitting under a tree were talking about God. One man said, ‘I don’t believe that God is prefect. In fact, there are so many things that an ordinary, reasonable man would be able to plan better than God. For example, look at the pumpkin are growing large and round. But they are attached to tiny, thin vines that are collapsing under their weight, and hence are on the ground!’ Another man agreed and pointed to the mangoes on the trees, saying, “The small mangoes are hanging from those tall, sturdy trees!..God should have put the heavy pumpkins on the tree and the small mangoes on the vines!”…The third man thought for a bit and said that perhaps God had a plan..- and that is why he did what he did….All the friends decided to rest and slowly feel sleep..under the mango tree… A strong wind roses, passed through the mango tree…and suddenly ripe mangoes fall down. The sleeping men woke up and saw the mangoes had fallen all around them.. …..”Our friend was right”,said one of the man. “what if pumpkin had hung from the trees and had fallen on us..? It’s a good thing the pumpkins grow close to ground!…similarly in life, we doubt God’s path. We wonder, is this really the way..? We lose heart , our faith..God’s way are frequently mysterious; We fail to see the full picture until it is seemed to us…..As now a day we see cars have GPS system that give directions on how to reach the destination …as you sit in the car ..the car ask your destination..and through out the journey a pleasant voice will guide you…but once you entered the destination and before the guided instruction begin…you need to press “accept” button on the screen…else the system will not work and you will have to find your own way………GPS stands for “Global positioning system’…It also stands for “God’s perfect system” he know the way to the destination of our life…God’s never loses his way…If we don’t push the “accept” on the GPS system in the car our journey will be filled with tension and worry …At each interaction we will have to choice whether it is best to continue straight ahead or to turn left or right ….We will have to stop to ask the directions from others who may also not know the roads…If we are focused we may reach the destination we will likely to be late and the journey will have been tense…. Alternatively, If we press “accept” we will guided gently and correctly at every step..we will know where to turn, where to continue straight and where to stop….Our mind will be free to contemplate God… to think pleasant and peaceful thoughts…and the journey will be peaceful,smooth,and enjoyable….We must continue to accept the guidance of the God’s perfect system…whether we are familiar to the route …He is taking us on or not…He is the only creator , planner, driver and the guider…..

When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.


We are all born in this world to do something wonderful and unique. Don’t let this opportunity pass by. Give yourself the freedom to dream and think big. Have the courage and determination to achieve those dreams that are dear to you………

If there are obstacles, you are clear about your objective. With a calm and serene mind, think of many possibilities, know that failures are stepping stones for greater success. Actually, there are no failures in life. All the seeming failures are only stepping stones for greater success. If you feel the obstacle is too much, deep prayer can work miracles. The feeling, ‘I am blessed’, can help you overcome any failure. Once you realize that you are blessed, then all complaints, grumblings, and insecurities disappear.






A friend is like a star that twinkles and glows
Or maybe like the ocean that gently flows.
A friend is like gold that you should treasure
And take care of forever and ever.
A friend is like an angel that is there to guide you.
A friend is someone you can trust out of a few.
A friend is more than one in a million.
They are one in a ca-zillion,
And you, my friend, are very special
and so it is official…..


Consider the fact that maybe…just maybe…beauty and worth aren’t found in a makeup bottle, or a salon-fresh hairstyle, or a fabulous outfit. Maybe our sparkle comes from somewhere deeper inside, somewhere so pure and authentic and REAL, it doesn’t need gloss or polish or glitter to shine…….



                   ALL LOVE BEGINS AND ENDS HERE…

glass jar with confetti and pearls

Since the day I was small

Till the day I became tall

Since I began understanding things

Till the day I got my own wings

Your love has never fallen short

You have been my only support

I want to hold you tight and hug you

I just want to say thank you…..



To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.

I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness; I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too. I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquility will return once more.


box cheerful color cute


Smile has many positive effects on our brain , bodies and people around us…..It can make you feel better , more attractive and you make the world better place just by smiling more often…

“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” 


Many people are bored stiff as they stay at home with this pandemic crisis. Here are 5 things to do when you’re bored during the COVID-19 Shelter in Place order.

1) Explore your creativity. Look for the creativity within you. If you’ve never thought of yourself as having an ounce of creativity, then look again. It’s inside there somewhere. What interests you? Do you have a hobby? Have you ever done anything with your hands? What about learning to sew or maybe cook a new recipe. Other ideas might be woodworking, crafts, gardening and creative writing. Maybe now’s the time to begin journaling and write down some of your thoughts and feelings. If you don’t feel like doing anything else, read a book.

2) Get out and work. I don’t mean go to your job. We are in a stay at home shelter in place situation, but we can all get up off the couch and work at something. There is so much self-satisfaction in working to accomplish a task. It reduces depression and give you a feeling of pride PLUS you get something done that needs to be done.

3) Take an online class. The sky’s the limit in the available opportunities you have in front of you with the Internet to educate yourself. Do you need some additional training to get a promotion or even a new job? Are you interested in changing careers or are you interested in learning something new like playing the guitar? No matter what you are interested in, there is a wealth of knowledge just waiting for you with online classes, webinars, YouTube videos and podcasts. Many of them are free and very low cost so there’s no excuse for boredom!

4) Take a break from the noise. Turn off the tube and cell phone. One thing about staying home is that it gives you some time to ponder. Without ever being quiet, we don’t give God the opportunity to speak to us. Take a few moments each day to think and listen.

5) Get outside. Make it a point to go outside every day. There is so much healing that can take place by just spending a few hours outside. Enjoy the scenery. Have a cup of coffee on the porch. Take a walk. Plant a flower. Listen to the birds sing. We’re all probably a little Vitamin D deficient because we spend so much time glued to the tube, phones and computers so take a break away. Enjoy some of that wonderful sunshine and get a new lease on life!

It’s been a long time for many of us since we’ve spent this much time at home. The COVID-19 crisis is forcing us to stay at home more and we might find that we like home much better than we thought.

Home is our haven. Home is where our family is. Home is where the heart is. Sometimes, we forget what true living is supposed to be like. Even though COVID-19 is having a devastating effect on our economy, our budget and bank balance, it is truly a God-send to have a little more time at home and a little more time to think.

There is a wealth of opportunity just waiting for us to explore through COVID-19 and tons of ways to exert our creative juices so have fun with it now. We can all work on recovery together and celebrate, once the pandemic is over!


award by word press

Thank you  Steve’s nominating  me for this REAL NEAT BLOG AWARD….I feel glad and special to have friend like you…and really want to appreciate the way you express your feeling in WordPress…God bless you…


The rules of Real Neat Blog Award are:

  1. Put the award logo on your blog.
  2. Answer the 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  3. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  4. Nominate any number of people, linking to their blogs and let them know you nominated them by commenting on their blogs.
  5. Come up with 7 questions for the people you nominated.


Steve’s Questions for me….

Are you an indoor or outdoor person?

I am outdoor person….the reason behind this answer is that i love to explore new things and surrounding. I rarely spend time in home…………..I like to Sitting under tree..and observe nature without any disturbance….  Nature always teaches me something new…..that always make me feel the beauty of nature’s unconditional love towards us….

Do you enjoy cooking?

Yes , i enjoy cooking food….but i think their are many more recipes yet to be good in….

Do you enjoy baking?

I m not good in baking…..but yes i always try something new to bake…..and do enjoy baking….

What is your favorite food?

I like to eat South Indian food ……but when it comes to favorite i love most North Indian food “cholle bature”…

Do you like walking in the rain?

I love to walk in the rain…. become insane when i see rain and run outside the house to feel the magic of this beautiful creature of God….i just behave like child….at that time and loose all my maturity…i know it sound’s funny ….but i do this….

Do you enjoy swimming?

Hmm….No….I rarely….or you can say…i don’t like swimming much….

Do you enjoy climbing trees?

Oh..! yes… in city i can’t do so…. but when i was child…around age of 5 – 7 …, in my grandfather house….i always try to climb on tress….”missing those days”….

Now  Questions for My Nominees:

  1.   The thing you like most in yourself….?
  2.    What inspires you to write…?
  3.     What’s your goals for 2020…?
  4.     The thing you like in me most…?
  5.     What’s your opinion on current situation of world…”covid 19″
  6.    What you like to do when you get bored…?
  7.     Your favorite blogger in WordPress… ?

Now For My Nominees:

If your first name begins with A, B, D , N or S then you are nominated for this award!

If you accept, please let me know when you have done it so I can make sure to read it.  There is no pressure to do this award, but it is fun!

Thank you Steve’s …. nominating me for this award…